What’s New?
Stay updated with events, resources, and articles to help you find your way.
Entering the Post-Pandemic Job Market
Publication by Jewish Action
Designing a Path to a Secure Future
Wayfind founders discuss how to best prepare for future employment
Taking The Fear Out Of Choosing a Career
How Wayfind guides clients towards productive, rewarding careers that are well-matched to their talents, interests and goals.
What Our Clients Think
We empower you to make wise, informed career decisions.
We guide you to where you want to go
Prepare your child with a viable plan towards leading an inspired, proactive life. Replace career path and education decision overload with purpose and excitement.
Uncover your natural talents and explore new, in-demand careers which will meet your personal needs.
Stimulate growth within your educational institution or organization by leveraging natural talents and building alignment.
Discover What You Do Best
Wayfind specialists are certified to use the Highlands Ability Battery Assessment to transform your career path. HAB objectively measures natural abilities through the performance of games and exercises. Your natural abilities will be charted and explained in customized reports designed to relate your pattern of abilities to align with performance, work and school environment, and career fit. A Wayfind specialist will interpret the results with you and help you identify where and how those abilities can best be leveraged in your career journey.
We want our clients to feel comfortable and satisfied with their career choices. That means they need to fully understand themselves and the landscape of jobs that fit their profile. We want them to choose wisely, not just take any random job.